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The Bonsoir was the name of tourist areas on the outskirts of the city, restaurants, buildings, and luxury hotel facilities with ocean views, bungalows, yacht rental, open sea fishing, diving, sky strip on the sea, were some of the facilities offered.

a one-room hotel with views of the sky and stars, or an inn with hundreds of floors so you can enjoy the beauty of the open sea from the air.

The owner is named Andrew, a cross reedman from European combined of Central Asia blood, he was a quite successful businessman at a young age, his business was employed in tourism and real estate.

Vino closed the report that was printed on his cellphone screen.

He pressed the earpiece button on his ear. "I agreed," said Vino, then he continued his journey in his luxury car.

His face looked so cold and different, it was clear from that look that he was ready to kill others with just his sharp eyes.
