The middle-aged man with Stanger conversation

After arriving at the port, Vino did not even let go of his hand from Vira, he continued to accompany his wife, he even asked for a wheelchair so that his wife did not have to walk when she got off the yacht.

But Vira refused her husband's request, it sounded excessive considering she felt healthy.

The extra attention by Vino certainly caught the attention of other couples who were waiting for their ship's destination to sail.

At the port Kim was waiting for Vino's arrival with an impatient face, but he couldn't put on an annoyed face when he saw how patient and understanding Vino was to his wife, he immediately approached and intended to help Vira, but his boss wouldn't allow it.

"What are you doing?" Vino brushed off Kim's hand which almost touched his wife's arm, Vira just shook her head weakly.

"I intend to help sir," Kim answered with an innocent face.