In the hospital II

"No, you can't do this to me. Where is my husband?" She asked and tried to rebel but her body was very weak and helpless.

"Madam's husband is waiting outside, your husband has signed the agreement, this is all for the sake of saving you and your baby's life, madam, I beg you to calm down." She said softly.

"But, but… why so suddenly, why am I here, why, I don't even remember anything anymore!" She muttered in a trembling voice, tears falling, tracing the corners of her eyes.

"Aren't you lying?" She asked.

"Yes, madam?" The doctor who accompanied her looked confused. "Lie about what?"

"You said earlier that, if my husband was waiting outside, were you lying and comforting me?" She asked again with quivering lips, the cracked skin on the lips painfully visible.

"I can't lie, madam, your husband has taken care of all the procedures very well." She explained.