cheese on the trap I

Forgetting her meeting with Mei, Michele remembering how she first visited her husband's office, she will not easily forget Jonathan's face at that time and that cheap whore appearance.

"Michele, you, what are you doing here?"

--is that how you welcome a wife, I am not an ugly and shabby woman, I am beautiful and my body is attractive, he will not be ashamed of his co-workers if I am his legal wife whom he married 9 years ago.

Several pairs of eyes stared at the meeting of Michele and Jonathan, then a few of them-- the project employees, Jonathan's men, greeted Sarah, they smiled and waved their hand.

Michelle turned to her daughter who smiled happily, it seemed that only Sarah was happy at this time, unlike Michele and Jonathan.

"Sarah, why didn't you tell dad if you were going to visit me here?" Jonathan's eyes seemed to say, why are you here?