I will get what I want

It's not about inheritance and the desire to rule over all treasures, is it! Vino had forgotten the reason he married Vira, a woman he did not know before.

he has forgotten the basic purpose of marrying Vira, he has stuck with his marriage, he has fallen in love with his wife and the thought of losing Vira makes his mind unable to focus.

Vira looked calm in front of the obstetrician who examined her, she also didn't react or ask, just lay on the bed.

The doctor seemed to frown and then turned to Vino who looked dreamy in the other room when he saw him earlier.

"Mrs. Vira, you must rest and not be tense." Vira nodded her head following the doctor's request.

"I'll give you vitamins and some blood-boosting capsules. I need to talk to your husband." Once again Vira nodded her head.

the doctor left Vira, his assistant rushed to tidy up the equipment and took the suitcase to the direction where Vino was sitting, dumbfounded.