Incident at the cafe 1

"I'm sorry, it looks like you've been waiting for a long time, ah ah, I'm a little nervous and .." Jonathan scratched his forehead that didn't itch, his body language clearly showed that he was very nervous dealing with Vira right now.

Vira stood up from the chair, she invited Jonathan to sit, "no problem sir, I haven't been waiting long." She said while showing a sweet smile.

"Thank you," Jonathan took a seat in front of Vira.

"What would you like to order, sir," Vira asked Jonathan, her drink had half a glass left.

"Ah don't bother with that, I can order my drink."

Vira nodded her head, and Jonathan called the cafe waiter. He asked for a cup of coffee for him.

Not wanting to waste time, because she had waited long enough, Vira opened a chat. "My husband said he wanted to book a flight in the afternoon."

"Ah yes, that fast!" Jonathan's face looks surprised, he doesn't seem ready to part with Vira.