The Neil Martins

"What I mean to say is, I feel like you have the potential and determination to do something bigger. If not, then at least for the child and his future."

When Linda looked at him with a mixture of confusion and some hope in her eyes, he continued, "You can open up your own business. You can open up your restaurant or bakery if you are good at cooking. Or you can study business and by the time the child is three or four years old, you'd be better off with your own small business. Depending upon the popularity of your business, there is the possibility that you might be able to open up a great chain of your brand name and spread its popularity further."

Linda was slowly but feeling influenced by Neil's words. It was true that she couldn't work her whole life at the bar, especially now that she had a child to look after. His education and future expenses could not be fulfilled with a simple bartender salary. She had somehow made a do with the salary when she was alone and pregnant. But now she'd be having the responsibility of her child as well and the other expenses would only make it harder if she continued with being a bartender.

Looking back at Neil with a newfound determination in her eyes, she nodded her head in understanding and approval. Neil smiled when he saw that fiery determination visible in her blue eyes, the eyes that never cease to amaze him. He took out his business card and handed it to her. Linda took the card and looked at the content written on it.

And when she saw that he was the CEO of a very renowned company, she was dumbstruck.

She looked back at Neil with visible shock and amazement in her expression, with her eyes as wide as saucers. Never would she have thought, that she would be helped by such a business tycoon. The business tycoon about whom people buzzed about, especially the elite and noble women who came to the bar for fun and light refreshments.

She had also heard Nora, sometimes mentioning his name and fangirling over how handsome he was. But she had just shrugged off her fangirling talks with a head shake and a smile. Now that he was standing in front of her in full flesh and blood, she felt quite surprised at the fate and its games. No wonder that she felt something familiar when she heard him introduce himself. Like she had heard his name before or had heard about his looks and descriptions which matched the man in front of her quite well.

The exaggerated expression with which Linda stared at him, made Neil chuckle. He was amused by that shocked expression and those calm blue eyes which became large as if a tsunami was upcoming. Seeing him chuckle like that, made Linda snap out of her thoughts as she gathered herself like the proper lady she had been. She then cleared her throat and spoke up,

"You.. are Neil Martins!"

"Yes, as I had already told you… -" Neil couldn't finish up his statement when Linda again spoke up, cutting him off.

"Like really 'The Neil Martins', the top business tycoon of the country who started his own business from scratch and rose to become successful in a short time interval of just 3 years."

Neil felt quite embarrassed at the intense appreciation coming from Linda in such a way. But seeing those blue eyes of hers which sparkled with awe, he just couldn't say anything.

Neil hence just smiled a bit and let Linda be the way she was.

Linda was not interested in the looks of Neil. She was not awed by his real identity of being a billionaire but she was awed that she had been acquainted with such an influential man. She heard his story from scratch to fame from Nora, which impressed her a lot. It was good to hear some motivational stories or life instances of people like that. Her life after exile had never been easy again and so time to time, when she heard such stories about people achieving great things after going through adversities, it gave her some hope for the future. It gave her some motivation to continue fighting and move on and on.

Linda was surprised by the fact that the billionaire business tycoon standing before her was such a down–to–earth man who didn't show off his wealth. Unlike the other businessmen whom she had heard of or had seen, this man had the aura of not just authority and power but also kindness and love. Linda's respect for Neil was already, by now, increased to a great level. Neil thought of letting Linda know about some ideas to consider, for getting independent on her own. Since he had already seen that independent and fiercely determined aura of Linda, he did not doubt that she would contact him soon enough.

It was like hitting two birds with one stone, beneficial for both of them. This way, he won't be losing track and contact with Linda as well as it would provide her with some help to get herself on her feet. Before he could say anything further, the baby who had been sleeping peacefully, started to cry, and Linda and Neil both looked in the child's direction. The baby was crying hard, seemingly awakened by their conversation, and hence gained the attention of both adults. Linda hurriedly put the card in her safe pocket and rushed up to the child. She then took the baby in her arms and coaxed it to stop crying. When it still didn't stop crying, Neil got the hint that maybe the child needed to be breastfed and so he hurriedly said,

"Umm… I guess I'll be on my way now. Contact me when you have thought it through. You have my card. Bye, take care."

And that way, before even Linda could bid her goodbye, the man was already out of the room. Linda just heaved a sigh and then went on to her most important duty at the moment, feeding the baby.