Leaving for whale island

After 1 month of training nen I was able to learn the Four Major Principles, I wouldn't say that I am an expert in using the four major principles but I am quite close. I can use ten, Zetsu, and Ren in under a second. I haven't created my Hatsu ability and neither used water divination yet. My grandpa means that I should be profound in the basics before I create my Hatsu ability which is a big drag like Shikamaru says in naruto.

Luckily for me, I have big talent in using nen, not any less than killua and gon. if am not wrong in the anime they also used around a month to learn the basics from Wing. I started practicing nen like crazy a year before them which gives me a big headstart. according to the timeline Gon, Kurapika and Leorio met in the ship heading to the hunter exam, which should be in 3 weeks.

The Whale Island is a week from here with a ship, I should go there and take the boat to the exam with the main canon characters. I can't wait to meet the mc of my favorite show.

I stood up from my meditation position and went downstairs from my room and met my grandpa in the living room reading some kinda book." yo grandpa leaving in a couple of days to whale island and from there am taking the boat to the hunter exam" I said

He closed his book and signed for me to sit down." I was about to talk to you about the hunter exam, any way I am going to leave this island to" said grandpa with a serious look.

"What? where are you going old man" I replied with confusion written all over my face.

" Well, brats this world is much bigger than you think. the truth is our world is only a small island in a lake in the middle of a much bigger place called the dark continent. that place is full of strong monsters and plants it's every top hunter's dream to explore the dark continent. only the top hunters know about the dark continent and am going there" said, grandpa

"WHAT" I yelled obviously I know about the dark continent from the anime but the fact that my grandpa is going there is a big surprise, I thought he retired.

"I guess we won't be able to see each other in a while," said my grandpa while smiling

"I will come with you," I said determined the truth is he is the only person I can call family in both my two lives. and according to the anime, any plant from the dark world can kill a human. It's a dangerous place and I don't wanna lose my only family.

"Hahaha your way to the weak kid, lets make a deal when you become strong enough you can meet me there. you should go and experience the life of a hunter its the most wonderful thing there is a lot of adventure you have yet to experience" said my grandpa

I had a sad look on my face, the fact that I am not going to see him in a long time makes me sorrowful, he may even die before I get strong enough to meet him again.

He looked at me and says" don't worry about me brats we will definitely meet again when you become a strong hunter"

I looked at him and said with a smile " I will and when the time comes I may even be stronger than you"

"Haha that's the spirit brat, know we have a couple of days to spend with each other before you leave for the hunter exam, so let us make the most of it," said grandpa with a big smile

I spend the next couple of days having fun with grandpa and he told me a lot of things about the dark continent.

2 days later

I packed my stuff in a little bag and went downstairs. were I met my grandpa in front of the house, we went out of the forest to a small shipyard" here this is a cowboy hat I have been wearing in all my adventures when I was young" I looked at the cowboy hat it was light blue ad looked a lot like aces hat from one piece.

He put the head in my head and gave me a tight hug " take care of your self kid"

Tears started to slowly run down my cheeks as I hugged him back" Thank you for adopting me and taking care of me for all these years. I will definitely find you in the dark continent"

"I know you will now go before the ship sails," said grandpa while smiling I could see a couple of tears in his eyes as well.

I let go of him and jumped in the ship many people were looking shocked at me

"Did you see how high this kid jumped?" says a man to his friend on the ship

I just ignored the looks and waved my hand at my grandpa before the ship sailed to whale island.