

Chapter 78: Merciless Massacre

Epic of Caterpillar

[Day 50]

Tonight, the humans Will be arriving on the fifth layer of the forest and I wanted to greet them as best as I could.

I woke up earlier and began to inspect their route using my flying flesh bat minions.

There are more humans than expected. Around 54 humans, 20 of them were Veteran Adventurers and two or three had some kind of God Blessing. Hmm, I'm already starting to get hungry.

I don't want to kill all of them, at least not for now. I will capture the Noble alive and will brainwash him to tell me every single thing he knows. Afterward, I may eat it or make it my secret agent in the Kingdom. Someone who can do more than spy, but manipulate things from the inside, similar to Mady but with even more influence.

I quickly woke my sleepy wives up and took a bath with them. After having a nice breakfast, I reunited my strongest servants and made mini squads. This time, I will mostly watch from the skies, I want to see how much have my servants grown in power.

Guubo will also watch from the side for now, but he could easily wipe the entire 54 humans in one single attack, and instantly dissolve them on its jelly, without even leaving traces.

I made the following teams:

[Trolls Team: with Celica, Truhan and the several evolved Trolls]

[Slime Family Team: all the new and more powerful Slime Family]

[Undead Team: The four evolved Hobgoblins will go in this one, alongside Yurei and Herbell, and several evolved Undead Soldiers]

[Wolves Team: This one includes Kekensha, Wagyu and most of the named wolves with enough strength to handle a strong human. Which I tested before making them fight Evan (Blond Knight)]

[Monkeys Team: With Kizuato and Yukan in charge, alongside the strongest named monkeys]

[Slaves Team: With Kaguya, Jorogumo, and Ganjo in charge, alongside the strongest slaves]

I decided to leave Redgaria, The Wyvern Overlord, the Wyvern Brothers, The Spirits and my Wives aside, as they are fairly too strong and would ruin the experience for the rest.

After discussing the plan for around three hours, we came with something. The Trolls and Monkeys will be the ones who will receive the humans with open arms. While this happens, the Slime Team will stealthily infiltrate on their backs and attack with all their might. Meanwhile, the Undead Team will send distraction with Undead Soldiers and Herbell, while the rest conjures curses of various types, diminishing the humans even more. If things don't go as planned and a strange far stronger human shows up, there will be the Slaves and Wolves Team to take care of them.

There was still some time left before the humans arrived, so we decided to prepare everything. Around the forest, while the teams exercised and trained around the fifth layer, I began to set some traps around, mostly traps that would cast [Fissure] and [Quake]. I, of course, told all my servants about them, and if they stepped in one, it would be their fault if they end up falling on a 20 meters deep hole.

The sun was close to the horizon, so we had a small dinner in the forest.

I went hunting some new beasts around. I found Armored Bears of various colors alongside Two-Headed Crystal Horses.

Both of these monsters were rather strong and their meat was delicious. I seriously considered slaving some so we can raise them in the Kingdom, they could even be used as mounts and for more food.

With the help of Rimuru, which these last days learned the skill [Novice Cooking], we made a delicious Hot Pot with Bear and Two-Headed Crystal Horse meat, I also added some Gray Walking Mushrooms I encountered around, which I purified their poison beforehand.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Armored Colossus Furious Raging Aura]

[Flaming Copper Armored Shell Generation]

[Blazing Fist of the Armored Beast]

[Two-Headed Crystal Charge]

[Reinforced Crystal Muscles]

[Debuffing Glare]

[Crystal Horn Generation]

I learned seven skills after eating ten plates of hot pot, this is equivalent to eating three bears and horses each. It means that they were rather strong. In the Water Shrine Dungeon, I needed to eat around 20 of the same monsters to get any skill.

When everyone finished their meals, the sky was already dark as the moonlight slightly illuminated the forest. I quickly commanded everyone to get ready on their positions as I flew with my wives towards the sky.

Using [Mystic Eyes] while glaring at the Vast Plains, I easily found the large human caravan moving thought the highway at a fast pace.

The caravan was being led by four very strong Human Adventurers Veterans, three of them were mounting brown colored horses while the one on the lead was mounting a big golden-colored chicken with a feathered rainbow crest.

Two of them were old, of around 50 years. The first old man was wearing a dark green armor plate as he was holding an emerald sword, his face seemed calm and composed, his hair was completely white and his eyes of a deep dark. He seemed to be an experienced swordsman.

The second old man was a bearded wizard. He was wearing a shining purple robe and a beautiful staff that seemed to be made of a very high-quality wood, with a red-colored gem on top of it. The old man resembled a very wise person.

Even if their meat may be old, they will surely be delicious.

The other three adventurers were way younger and exuded a strong and energetic aura.

The only woman was a large and muscular redhead, wearing a golden armor, her armor didn't cover her belly as she proudly showed her biceps. She was holding a massive Claymore of around three meters that shined on a bright red color. I could sense the smell of several being's blood covering that sword. She smiled with confidence showing her shiny white teeth.

The youngest man was a Boy of around 13 years old. Despite his age, I could sense a strong divine energy protecting his life, he was surely blessed by a god. The boy was holding a big Crossbow that seemed to be made of different high-quality minerals and decorated with several Spirit Gems for increased magic power. He had a rather cute face and almost resembled a young girl if it wasn't for his short black hair.

Lastly, the strongest of the five, and the one mounting the majestic bird was a dignified knight wearing a beautiful white and golden armor, he was covering his face with a helmet decorated with small angel wings on each side of its head. His entire body exuded a strong golden-colored aura, it was rather warm and welcoming to others, driving people around him. He was holding a beautiful lance decorated with several gems and covered on gold, near the end of the lance there were two angelic wings of white color.

After sensing such aura, my [Insatiable Appetite] kicked in as I began to almost droll thinking on how juicy and delicious his flesh would be. I think I will be killing this one myself, he will my prey.

I quickly told all my servants to not kill him, only sending him away if he comes to attack them.


As the caravan finally reached the forest fifth layer, all the humans stopped to take a break. While the five strongest adventurers monitored around, the rest of the adventurers began to prepare several dishes while others sang. It seems that all of them were on high spirits, thinking that things would go according to their plans. Even the strongest veterans lowered their guards after some hours, joining the rest of the adventurers on the small feast.

Just at this time, I glanced at the caravan holding the Noble.

A fat and ugly men which face was covered on a greasy gray mustache was sleeping soundly over his bed, unaware of the party outside.

Outside his caravan, there were two servants. They seemed rather strong too, I was surprised that these two slipped outside of my radar. They seem to have the [Stealth] Skill alongside [Shadow Servant] Class, something similar to Ninjas and an advanced class of the [Thief] Tree.

I told my servants to await until the booze kicks in and the adventurers are on their lowest guard.

After one and a half hour, almost every adventurer aside from the Veterans were completely drunk, they began to sing and dance around like clowns.

The oldest veterans were discussing with some of the drunk adventurers while the youngest ones were playing some kind of poker card game while betting several bags of gold.

The only one that wasn't doing anything of this was my prey, he was only silently eating aside from everyone while browsing his Status Window.

This is the perfect timing.

I quickly ordered the Troll and Monkey team to being their attack.

While the stupid adventurers were dancing and singing around, several Ogres began to walk around as if they were part of the party.

Some humans even invited them to join, unaware of who they really were.


The Ogres quickly began their attack, slashing several stupid humans without warning, the humans slowly realized that what they were seeing wasn't any hallucination or show, their comrades were being mercilessly killed in front of them.


"Who are those guys?"

"Hmm? Are they slav- MY HARM!!!"

"M-M-Monsters! Ogres! So many Ogres! R-Run!"

"Call the Veterans! Quic- Gyyaaaahh!"

"Help me!"

"S-Stay away! Stay awaa- Uaaaaahhh!"

"A monkey? Why is there a monkey here?"


As the pile of slashed corpses began to increase, some adventurers finally realized what was truly going on, raising their weapons and quickly creating small teams to defend themselves against the raid.

When the adventurers worked together, they were able to overpower most of the Ogres and Monkeys rookies. However, this is when the leaders joined in. Celica, Truhan, Kizuato and Yukan jumped over the battlefield as they killed several humans on their own.

Celica used her sharp [Legendary] Knives and her godly speed to pass through several groups unnoticed, the drunk adventurers didn't even realize they were dead, as they glanced over their teared bodies and their minds slowly faded into nothingness.

Several mages started to chant [Ritual Magic], summoning several [Familiars], which were monsters they made contracts with. After some time, the adventurers were able to create some momentum as the [Familiars] sacrificed themselves, they were too weak, and only served as cannon fodder.

Truhan used his powerful axe to split in half the strong Tundra Lions and Mini Wyverns [Familiars], scattering piles of bloody flesh. As he killed more Adventurers and Familiars, his size increased and his muscles started bulking up. Increasing his blazing aura, resembling a rampaging red beast.

Kizuato and Yukan worked together taking down the strongest Adventurers, the strength of these two was almost as comparable to Truhan, dancing on the battlefield as if they were one. Slashing and decimating the despairing humans.

The strongest five Veterans quickly joined in, assisting the rest. Led by the Golden Knight, they picked on each of the leaders as they desperately tried to change the battle on their favor. However, as Truhan, Celica, Kizuato, and Yukan stalled them, they saw how all their companions, friends and lovers died horribly.

The Mage Veteran and the Mage Boy conjured a powerful Ritual Magic summoning several monsters that resembled Chimeras with the body of a lion and the arms of a dragon. These Chimeras were rather strong and were able to finally turn the tables on the human's favor, however, with almost half of them dying beforehand.

As the human's moral raised, the Golden Knight who was fighting Truhan on equal terms raised his sword as he yelled.

"We can do it!!! Brace yourselves, my comrades!"

However, just as he said that countless magic projectiles began to rain over the adventurer troops, exploding over the caravans and setting them on fire.


The Slime Family finally started their attack, initiating with a strong rain of flaming meteors. Afterward, they all rushed on the battlefield, surprising all the adventurers.

Milim used her powerful Illusion Magic to brainwash the humans, making them fight their comrades.

Meanwhile, Ranga and Benimaru joined forces as they jumped over the humans, completely turning them into pools of minced meat, innards, and blood.

Aloysius used her cursed sword to slash in half the humans, every time a human tried to attack her, they would be inflicted with a strong curse, making their flesh rot.

"T-There are more?! H-How?! How can these wild monsters plan all of this?"

"Impossible! Its as if they were waiting for us since the beginning!"

The Golden Knight saw his troops being massacred as he began to despair, I could feel his mixed emotions changing the nature of his warm and calm aura. It was now filled with fear and uneasiness.

"N-Noo! I must protect them! Aaah!"

Truhan used this opening to punch the human on his head, shattering the helmet and showing the Knight face, it was actually a beautiful blond woman with green eyes.

However, Truhan couldn't care less about her appearance, as he kicked her several meters away.


As the woman fell down the ground, she began to vomit mouthfuls of blood.

"Guuuaakkh! So strong! How can an Ogre be so strong?! Have I been training for nothing? Uugh…"

While the woman saw her fatal wounds with desperation, a small cleric girl with white hair and golden eyes ran towards her, she had her face covered on dry tears.

"Miss Alice! P-Please, let me heal you!"

"Anastacia? W-What are you doing here? R-Run! Quick!"

"B-But the Noble! If he's dead, the entire Kingdom will punish us!"

"I failed you all, this is all my fault… Run!"

The Cleric Girl waved her hands as she forcefully moved the woman's hands from her wounds, beginning to heal them with a warm green colored light.


"I trust in Miss Alice, I know that if I heal you, you can help us! I kn-"

Without previous notice, a colossal flaming axe appeared over the Cleric Girl Head.


The Cleric Girl's delicate body was easily sliced in half by the Axe as if she were a piece of cheese being sliced by a knife.


The girl didn't even notice that she was sliced, as both of her halves saw the face of despair on the Golden Knight before her mind slowly faded into the void.

The Golden Knight slowly crawled towards both halves of the Cleric Girl, who were instantly cauterized by the strong flames of the axe, without dripping a single drop of blood.

A horrible and disgusting odor of burned flesh filled the Golden Knight nostrils, as she began to cry.

"Ana… Anastacia! No… Anastacia! ANASTACIA!!!"

As the humans began to despair and tried to run away, their path towards the Vast Plains were blocked by several Skeletons of different shapes and colors, holding different weapons, they looked at the humans with their empty eyes.


"F-Fight! We must survive!"

"H-How can a skeleton be this strong?! Gyaaaaahhhh!!!"

The Mage Veteran and the Mage Boy weren't able to keep up with the pace of the raid, as the Boy ran out of magic, he tried defending himself with his Crossbow, jumping and trying to run away.

However, he was quickly intercepted by several undead soldiers, as the skeletal hands tightly grabbed his limbs, and ripped them apart. The Boy yelled in despair and suffering, as the horrible pain ran across his body.

As the boy cried asking for help, he saw the faces full of pity on the humans around him, who were only worried about their own lives. When Herbell noticed that the boy was still alive with his arms and legs torn apart, he quickly finished the boy splitting his head in half.

The Mage Veteran was able to see all of this.

An incredible frustration filled all of his being, because of his incompetence, someone younger and more promising than him died horribly, someone that deserved to live longer.

The Old Mage began to yell in pain, covering his body on a powerful purple colored magic, increasing all his power through the roof.

He began to slash the Undead with his bare hands, being able to beat around 20 by himself, but he was slowly overwhelmed by the Undead Team throwing several curses at him.

When he couldn't even walk, the Undead Soldiers ganged on him, taking his entire body apart, piece by piece.

I don't know why they like to tear humans apart like this so much, but I am no one to judge them.