

Chapter 352: Chaos Humans

Epic of Caterpillar

[Day 207]

Yesterday was quite busy, but things resulted well, I decided to sleep back at my Castle, which had been turned into a Living Castle Golem before I left, so it was even more secure.

The castle felt just like it was before, so there wasn't anything weird or strange about it, aside from its new small intelligence and its ability to mold itself like a Slime made of concrete sometimes, it uses this to extend large and sturdy tentacles into the Grand Forest, killing monsters and gathering Experience Points, our castle is leveling up, and it's quite strong already.

Sofarpia and Sofelaia decided to sleep in my castle as well, and there was a new room for their little sister, Aegina, and their sister mother as well, so everyone was comfier in my Kingdom… in fact, most of the Cilane population decided to migrate to my Empire because of the better weather and conditions.

So, most of the Cilane Population now are those who love their home and monsters that like cold temperatures that were relocated there willingly, like Yuki-onna families, Ice Ogres, Wendigo, Ice Werewolves, and so on. They were rather happy, saying that the Empire was nice, but sometimes it was too hot for them. Thanks to the gates, they're still connected to the Empire and can travel in and out at any time by using their Citizen Cards, with the cost of a few Credit Points.

The new Vampire Tower, where most of the Vampires reside has been made into a Golem as well, and it was at least half as strong as my Castle, and its also extending its giant tentacles to the outside, hunting monsters automatically to level up.

Aleksandra was being very annoying yesterday, and I couldn't get her off me, she was constantly licking my feet or legs, or kissing my hands with very alluring faces and poses… however the other Vampires grabbed her and carried her away, so I was able to sleep peacefully, although I had nightmares with her from time to time.

I do like clingy girls… but she was going in another level completely, she was even more exaggerated than Alice, who had recently gained a lot of her judgment back and was more polite and could talk more freely, without clinging to me so often, perhaps this is the effect of her evolution, and due to my new Title, this will become more normal now.

I'm glad the Vampires and Dhampirs I've converted had gained some independence now thanks to this Title, while not being overly fanatical… although they still keep worshiping me like a goddess and everything else, I guess they are just no so pushy as before.

I was already planning on converting more human citizens into Dhampir… until I got reports from the Rin Sisters, about the human citizens going through strange and small changes, while also changing their race titles.

A certain group of human citizens which were very close to the Dhampir Yisu and the church that worships me received strange blessings… one was the [Blessing of the Sin of Lust], which I've seen in my family, and a new one named [Blessing of the Chimera Holy Mother].

The Humans woke up changed… their appearances remained mostly the same, but their strength increased, and their race titles changed, now they were Chaos Humans and had the Chimera-type and Human-type in brackets after their race name.

Certain families went through changes together, while others just changed differently. Once again, the changes were small but noticeable enough. Their human bodies, skin, and overall looks were the same, but some gained large purple-colored scaled tails and pink horns in their foreheads.

Others had large dark claws and scales around their arms and feet, others had powerful purple-colored eyes and small bat-like wings, and others could extend their tongues or transform their hands into tentacles. Some had several eyes all over their bodies, and others gained new pairs of arms.

Some had insect-like exoskeleton in their arms and legs, and others butterfly or beetle wings. Others had feathered arms similar to harpies and bird talons, or others became very burly, and their skin became either purple or dark, gaining a single horn in their foreheads.

However, there wasn't any sense of panic in them, all of the Humans that underwent such changes felt even better with themselves as if they had finally become "their true selves", this change came with a decrease in their level cap, which may indicate that they can evolve now, all of their stats increased, they gained new and varied abilities and skills and also talents for Illusion, Blood and Dark attribute magic.

Better Classes began to show up for them and they could also feel a slight connection between each other that wasn't there before, something that only demi-humans of the same races share.

It seems that those who worship me enough will automatically gain my blessings without me knowing, and will undergo these changes… which only made even more humans begin to worship me with intent, the entire Athetosea population started to build my churches and even demi-humans became more active in this religion. I was rather flustered by this, but I let them be, if this makes them grow stronger, then it's fine.

Sofarpia and Sofelaia were peacefully sleeping at my two sides, while Vudia, Ailine tightly stuck to me, sleeping over me, they were small and exceptionally light, unlike Valentia and Amiphossia, so this was not something where I was asphyxiating myself due to the weight of my lovely daughters.

Incidentally, Valentia and Amiphossia were sleeping together in their rooms now, my children had each one their own room, but they often slept together, the two giant girls had been sleeping together recently, while cuddling with Aarae. Ryo was sleeping with Yiksukesh… I don't know what to say about this.

Thankfully, Ryo already has a love interest, that Wind Lord girl whose name I don't remember well… Anyways, she should be getting back soon, she was accompanying Truhan and Celica's group in one of the Ollathir Kingdom Dungeons.

As I glanced at the Vudia and Ailine, the fragrances exuded from their bodies were already filling the room. Vudia had a sweet fragrance, like that of a very lively flower, with some hints of metallic scent, while Ailine's fragrance scent was like that of a very aromatic soap, even bubbly, sometimes when she was patted enough, her head would release colorful bubbles.



Vudia and Ailine seemed to be slowly waking up, as I was gently caressing their silky hair.

Vudia's large golden eye slowly opened, glancing at the sleeping Ailine and then over me, then, she released a smile, showing off her small fangs.

"Ah… mommy, good morning… Muuh.." She said, however, instead of waking up, she cuddled herself over my breasts with her tiny arms, it seems that my chest is very comfy, like two large and squishy cushions.

"Vudia… its time to wake up, and take a bath~"


Ailine, hearing my words, also woke up and opened her rainbow-colored eyes.

"Uwaah… Vudia… mommy, good morning… chuu…" She said, as she extended her arms and then cuddled herself in between my breasts… Vudia then kissed her on her forehead.

"Good morning sister"

Aaaah…! They're so cute! My daughters!

I embraced the two with my arms, as I kissed them in their foreheads and cheeks, they happily replied with their own kisses and hugs… it was so heartwarming, any stress I had before or concern dissipated like ashes with the wind… I was being genuinely happy.

And just as my cuddle attacks unfolded, the small commotion woke the up the rest of my wives. All of them hugging and kissing me… I was overwhelmed with even more love, filling my heart with fluff.

And then, as Ismena, Acelina, Lilith and Charlotte were hugging me… I found some slight changes in them. And after glancing at Altani, who was seeing her in the mirror, I realized what was going on. Perhaps their sleepiness didn't make them realize, but Altani, who was often very aware of her and her surroundings easily realized this.

"UWAAAH! W-WHAT IS THIS?!" She yelled… as she had never yelled before, this was very out of her character…

Then, as Acelina, Ismena, Lilith, and Charlotte glanced at each other, they also quickly realized their changes…

"Huh? Horns?!"

"Ismena…! You have wings?!"

"Ah! Lilith, your forehead!"

"Charlotte what happened with your skin…? Huh?"

They all changed appearance slightly… Alongside the other humans, they gained my blessings overnight and became Chaos Humans. Incidentally, Nanako, who has human blood, did not change, meaning that her Dodomeki blood was strong enough for her to evolve in the future.

My five Human wives underwent special changes, each one was different from each other and unique on their own. Their original powers and magic attributes were also changed, alongside other things…

"Kireina, what had just happened to us? I can't say that I hate this new appearance, but it's very odd to just undergo such changes out of nowhere!" said Acelina, as she pouted, seemingly angry, thinking that I had made this without their permission.

Acelina changes were rather noticeable, her skin had turned pale blue and her blue hair became purplish, her golden eyes remained, but the white area of became black, she gained two small pale blue horns in her forehead and a blue scaled tail over her butt, which was battling to escape from her tight pajamas pants. She exuded a dark and eerie, yet very welcoming aura.

"T-That's right, it actually feels rather good… we even feel a strange connection… however, you should have told us beforehand if you wanted us to go through this transformation…!" said Ismena.

Her small figure remained, but her skin color turned pale pinkish, she gained two large butterfly wings that had yellow and pink colors, and her hair went from dark blue to dark pink, her golden eyes became brighter, with pink and rainbow tones. Aside from long, elf-like ears, there weren't any more changes. Although she exuded a floral and familiar aura.

"I… well I don't mind, I feel strong, if Master wanted this, then its fine~!" said Lilith, with a carefree tone in her words, she seemed happy about her changes, as she had already dreamed on being a demi-human before, I remember her asking me to convert her into a Dhampir before…

She had remained with her petite half-dwarf height, but her skin turned pale brown, her eyes became bright brown as well with golden sparkles. Her hair was still pink and long, but she had a large horn in the middle of her forehead, which seemed to be made of some kind of black-colored mineral.

Her muscles tightened and became sturdier and her nails became black and long, her fangs had grown larger, resembling that of Vampires, and she had a brown scaled tail swinging around over her butt.

"Indeed… My mind feels strong and filled with vitality and energy… I feel like I could last a whole week working in my workshop without the need to rest~! Thanks, you, Master Kireina for such wonderful blessings!" said Charlotte, with an almost crazed expression in her face…

Charlotte who had a medium-sized body, a pretty face with pale white skin, and a medium pair of breasts had changed to a certain degree. Her body had suddenly become overly alluring and sexy, releasing a special charm innate to her. Her brown hair turned charcoal black, and her skin turned pale white, like a Vampire.

She had two small bat-like wings in her back, alongside a long black tail with a heart-shaped pointed tip. She also had two black horns growing from each side of her head… And she didn't need to use glasses anymore, according to her. But she still used them as she said that she looked "nicer" in them.

"M-Master… I certainly am happy of such changes, as it has brought a new strength that I never had before… but these horns… aren't they too striking, perhaps?" said Altani, as she began to touch her large horns.

She had remained with her brown, chocolate-colored skin, and white hair, but her eyes had changed into a bright emerald color. She had gained scales over her thighs, arms, and feet, alongside part of her neck and ears. These scales seemed to be made of crystal or a gem, like emeralds.

Her hands and feet had long white nails resembling claws as well, and she had a long emerald scaled tail. Her most striking feature was her large horns, which were made of this same emerald material but resembled coral-like structures, she gained a small emerald pearl in the middle of her chest.

"I'm sorry… These weren't really my intentions… It happened overnight, I did not have any control over it… according to the Rin Sisters, its related to the [Sin of Lust Blessing] and [Chimera Holy Mother Blessing], you've become Chaos Humans, a new race… there are others like you as citizens as well, it was quite the shock for some people"

The five girls nodded in an understanding.

"Still… these changes are very random… Why am I a Fairy…?" asked Ismena, it seems that she expected in becoming something else, perhaps something that mirrored her newly obtained Superhuman Strength.

She was analyzing the changes of everyone else, and she was the one who looked the most sparkling.

"I honestly don't know… but perhaps the changes that the blessings bring are related to my bloodline? There were cases of some people gaining butterfly wings as well, and higher affinity with magic…"

"Haah… I guess… I mean, it's not like its bad… I can already fly by myself, somehow… Its as if I always knew how to use these wings~" She said. Ismena accepted her fate quite fast. Vudia and Ailine glanced at her with sparkling eyes as she flew around with them.

"Ismena-chan, you look so cute!"

"So sparkling! Let's fly outside!"

It seems that Vudia gained a new fairy companion…

Acelina seemed a bit annoyed though, she did not like how her hair color changed, she liked blue a lot, and her golden eyes gaining black colors instead of the white area was also something striking for her.

"Gods! What is this?! I look like a demon now… Is this my punishment for acting so manly before while exercising alongside Oga-san…? Well, I've become stronger, that's for sure… but, Gods… look at my chest! Its as if it tripled in size…!"

Lilith and Charlotte seemed content with their changes, and Altani was… neutral, she liked the power, she just seemed embarrassed.

I decided to spend some time with them analyzing their changes in stats and such things, the breakfast was already being served by the Arachne Maids, so we quickly continued the conversation in the Golem Table, our usual table made with wood and minerals that I converted into a golem so it could walk by itself.