

Chapter 649: Side Chapter: Habitis

Epic of Caterpillar


What is happening to me?

My whole self feels… way too refreshed!

Am I really me at this point?


Well, let us recall things properly.

First of all, Geggoron took over me, and then I did all the bad stuff… until I almost killed my dear little brother…

I am still very ashamed of this, okay! It is not like I am talking lightly of it…

Thankfully, I was stopped, forcefully, by Kireina… Kireina-sama.

Well, she quickly disposed of me as if I were nothing, and then ate me and the tiny Geggoron Split Soul that was latching into my own.

Agh, my soul hurts a ton. Well, it did, it does not hurt anymore.

I actually feel way too strong now, this is insane, what the hell is happening?

After seeing so many amazing and outstanding beings in this short life of mine as one of Moonfang's Princesses, I really thought that my end would be as some of my little brother's artifacts or assistant…

I've always liked to dive my mind into the books of humans, there were always many amazing stories, and in many of them, there were what, in literature, was often referred to as 'mob characters'.

And yeah, I believed I was one of them.

After being so overly shadowed by everything constantly happening, I could not even keep track of anything, I was just a mere soul now, there was absolutely nothing I could do at all.

Being with my little brother at least made me happy… but at that time, I really thought that I would simply become a background character, even my talented little brother seemed to have been, as he became a commoner and no longer a Prince within Kireina-sama's Empire.

But I guess I was wrong with this, I am… not what it could be qualified as a mob character anymore. Even if I… do not take any spotlight anymore for the rest of my life, I have already…

Well, I am still undergoing it, but I am already becoming something that is cleaaarly not a mob character.

Continuing with the recap, Kireina-sama gave me the opportunity, alongside the painful and wailing souls of my family and that of Sunclaw to become new beings, at first, I was very scared, but in the end, Kireina-sama… well, let us say that she made me accept through a bit of pressure in her side. But in the end, everything ended quite fine… I actually regret having doubt her judgment, I think I was just being a stupid girl.

I mean, I was a soul! What else could you expect from me?

From now on, whatever happened to me would clearly not be that amazing at all, yet I was allowed to be quite amazing, to say the least.

But there I was, indecisive and a bit frightened by everything.

In the end, Kireina-sama extracted the blood of the several gods, which I was able to see with my very ethereal eyes… The gods that were the ancestors of my race, all together, even Maeralya-sama was there! And there were also the dog gods from Sunclaw!

I was already experiencing a ton of crazy stuff!

And as if my luck could not get any better… Kireina-sama used the leftover blood from these gods that she used to lay the two eggs that were the reincarnations of the rest of my family and that of Sunclaw, she created a third egg, where I went.

Yep, I was about to reincarnate too, just as the other two families!

To be honest, I thought that she would have forced me into fuse with my family's egg. It would have been quite terrible, but it was my family after all… So, in the end, it would have been fine to me.

They suffered a lot, to be honest, although most of it was Geggoron's fault, our family was always quite fucked up from the beginning… But even when considering their father's mistakes, what he went through was not pretty at all either.

According to what I heard from the maids, he was a bright and heroic King… I guess it all ended when his first wife died.

Sigh… the loss of our dear family members can really make us change a lot, our whole personalities will be broken into pieces. Losing someone dear to you might be, very often, even more, painful than dying.

I know because my mother also died, so it was quite terrible. I still remember her a bit…

I loved her a lot, you know.

Even if she was quite the bitch, she was a whore too, so her personality was forged through that, I guess. She probably went through worse experiences than me… Maybe Geggoron beats it a bit.

Well, after she died, I felt pretty bad, quite terrible in fact. I wanted to just die.

And father being an asshole that did not care about me did not help either…

But Cathin was there… waiting for love, his mother was not here either.

So, although I developed my personality to be cold and rather strict, I could not help but open it for my adorable little brother, who I love very much.

I could not help but train him well… and shower him with affection.

Really, I have a soft spot for this little kitten… I really liked to spoil him, although the maid that was always with him seemed a bit jealous of it.

Cassamia was her name, right? Sigh… I think there was her blood in the eggs too, damn.

Wait, will I become something like her daughter?


Wait for a second! Give me another second to fathom this.

I just realized it.

No way…

I will become Cathin's daughter too! Right?!

No, wait even worst, I will be the daughter of the whole pantheon of Dogs and Cats Gods, as I contain, they merged blood. Unlike Moonfang and Sunclaw's families that were only given the respective blood of their ancestors.

And I have not to forget those Heroes too that were present at the time! Agh… This is a bit too much for my little mind.

Ah, but I am no longer little though?

My mind feels incredibly clearer, to be honest.

Anyways, so I am… the daughter of my little brother. This will be my reincarnation.


I think this is way too ridiculous, but I guess it is part of the charm of not being a mob character anymore.

I am… quite looking forward to the future, to be utterly honest. My life has been just filled with gloominess. I wonder if… I can get my time to shine…

Can I dream, at least?

This is a new beginning… yeah, I can think about it in that way!

Ah, there is another issue within my soul.

Yeah… About that, actually, Kireina-sama merged a piece of her soul with mine, because she considered that I was far too weak for the new body being made, as such a powerful vessel could weaken my soul.

So, her genius plan was to give me a part of her soul, and to fuse with mine!

Is this why my personality has suddenly exploded and become more expressive? Perhaps I am really a fusion with a part of her emotions and personality?

Thankfully, it did not contain memories, so I do not get to kink shame her or something.

Wait, what did I even say?

Never mind, please, do not mind my babbler.

Is this why my soul feels so… vibrant? I was really fused with a part of Kireina-sama's soul…

Ah, my emotions are very expressive now, it could be an aftereffect of her nature being impregnated into her soul, despite not having memories, it still 'boosted' my mind when that soul was fused with mine to make my own stronger.

Hmm, that should be it.

Do I feel even smarter? Perhaps.

I think I was a lot dumber before, must be part of the aftereffects, I guess.

I guess the amount of people that are actually very idiotic is quite vast, even I was one, despite believing that I was not back then…

And… ugh, there has been this little thing around annoying me for a while.

I glance at the nothingness in front of my consciousness, as a lump of darkness greets me. It has a crimson eye in the middle of its spherical body.

Ah, I know who this little guy is.

"Argh… I cannot leave this place?" it groans.

"Hello, Geggoron… Long time no see, remember when you parasitized my soul? Haha, good times," I said.

"Gah…! You? What is your name? Your soul… Are you even one of those pawns?! Your soul is clearly something ay higher!" said Geggoron.

"Yeah, I guess I stopped being your pawn, and also a mob character. Kireina-sama gave me a piece of her soul. And look at that! I am even better than before now, don't you agree? I feel like I could even crush you if I wanted," I said. I really felt like it, but I decided not to do so, as I had other plans.

Geggoron, the little lump of darkness begins to shiver as it glances at me while gnashing his nonexistent teeth.

"D-Don't dare do that!"

The tiny lump of darkness groans as he tells me to not crush him.

What the hell? Is this really THAT Geggoron? He is awfully tiny and too adorable to think of him as a voracious and demonic demigod that likes to toy with innocents.

Now that I remember some of the things spoken by the Gods and even Kireina-sama, they said that souls can be divided into pieces, and each piece might act independently, and even seem rather weak or even frailer than the main soul.

Some split souls might create their own personalities, often mirroring if they are strong or not through their personalities.

This little Geggoron is far too weak, he cannot even be that brave, he is a tiny little thing.

A fitting end for the bastard, Kireina-sama ate most of him, but I guess I can call this guy 'Residual Geggoron's Will'. Yep, it fits.

This little thing must be the residual, small amount of power and will leave within my very soul when he parasitized me, although Kireina-sama ate most of it, it probably resisted the digestion of her soul… mostly because it was already torn apart. I think he just regenerated right here, by the accumulation of the countless tiny pieces left, that were so small that they could not even be said to be stains.

So, this little boy is here trying to be all intimidating as if he were the real deal, nope, you are not intimidating at all.

"Don't worry, I decided to not do that just now, I am a benevolent princess, you know? I am actually quite nice! You did all of that to me, but I am willing to forgive you if you remember my name!" I said.

The tiny Geggoron became surprised, as he remained silent.

"Your… name? Ah… Well… Err… Come on…"

The tiny lump of darkness began to think over and over again until it finally began to spit some words that could mean something.

"Habi… Habitis!" he said.

Amazing, he actually remembered. No way, I actually thought he would not.

A Demigod, even as he is, it is very resourceful.

I actually do not have any rage over him, I just like to see him struggle, but enough of it.

If I fuse with him and acquire him as a secondary mind, I might be capable of having a better knowledge of a lot of things, which means… I would become less of a mob character!

Nah, I will still most likely be one. But I will try to gain merit in front of Kireina-sama.

Ah, now, now. What was I about to do?

Right, Geggoron was still glancing at me with a hopeful light on his crimson eye.

"You actually remembered, very well. Let's go and do what it is clearly obvious to do. If I am not going to crush you, the other option is obvious to you, right?"

"…No?" he asked.

What? Is he that stupid? Geggoron? Hello? You are not the same evil demigod I know!


"We'll fuse together. Yeah, I know I should not do it. It's dangerous, it's blah, blah, and blah. Thing is, you're incredibly weak, and my soul… well, I feel like, just like Kireina-sama, I can eat you whenever I want to, so even if you're part of my soul, I can just eliminate you at any moment if you get carried away! How's that?" I said.

"Ah… Well, I guess there is no other option for me…"

Geggoron groaned as he moved towards me, he was really down in spirits… Was this God traumatized by Kireina-sama by any chance?

Actually, that's hilarious.

I grabbed the tiny lump of darkness as I engulfed him into my soul, and as if wearing a pair of clothes, I 'wore' him into my soul, fusing it in an instant.


He appeared within my vast mind as a tiny black sphere with a crimson eye.

"It's done! Welcome, welcome! There is not anyone here though, just me, and the countless split minds I have been generating… Anyways, time to extract all your memories, standstill. Ah, do not worry, you will be fine! Mostly," I said, as I released a chuckle and began to see Geggoron's whole memories, or whatever was left of him.


Geggoron only let out a sigh, and that was it.

As I was glancing at the many info as if I were reading a book, I realized that something was going on outside…

Oh? Maybe I will finally hatch? About time!
