Joyful Purchase

"Jerlina..." Jeremy gulped. He didn't know how she'd react but he wanted to explain it properly. She seems to think this is going to be a business meeting, but it is a personal one. He already prepared proper words to explain, but seeing her amber eyes, he forgot everything.

"Grandpa wants to meet my wife and looking at you... honestly, you don't look like my wife," he said and watched her eyebrows furrow.

Oops! Did I say something wrong?

"Okay..." Jerlina said controlling her anger. She wanted to think that he is making fun of her dressing sense, but she forced herself to not think that way. 

"What should a lumberjack's wife wear anyway?" she failed within three seconds and took a jab at his dressing sense. She didn't understand why she couldn't keep her composure with this guy every time.

She thought she was taking a shot at him and felt bad not knowing Jeremy is currently on cloud nine.

She admitted that she is my wife again!