How To Beat Emma

"Anything," Scarlett said seeing the serious but hesitant face of Jerlina. 

"Thank you... It's... will you please keep what I said before, about me trying to you-know-what as a secret? Please keep it from Bobby too. I know it is too much of me to ask this, but I don't want Emma to know. Bobby will tell Jeremy and Jeremy will tell Emma and she'll laugh at me," Jerlina started mumbling the last sentence. 

"Got it," Scarlett agreed. Even if he is her husband, she knew she cannot talk about other people's secrets with him.

And Emma... she is vicious, isn't she?

Although Jerlina didn't elaborate, Scarlett understood that Emma's words were very hurtful for Jerlina. It is not news to her that Emma hates Jerlina, but she is holding on to the hate for a decade which was a little surprising for her.