His Help In The Past

Mark led Jerlina in.

The town will be free of filth only if it is washed over by the blood of the vermins causing poor people distress. No number of reforms will help those who have violence in their blood. 

He did the mistake of letting go of the lower-level people from their gang and now they've grown up to be the thorns on his side destroying this place. Only when the weeds are pulled out and burnt, the garden will become lush. 

That boy...he loves him and wouldn't wish ill on him. But he is wrong to think just by expanding his gang and its turf, he can eliminate the other gangs. He needs to eradicate the head and the tails of the other gangs.

Jeremy decided not to kill for this girl, but when the guys he spared the life of, come for this girl, won't he start killing?

For that, this girl needs to stay with Jeremy.