One Call Away

Jerlina saw Martha's face getting flustered. "Tha- He didn't believe your lies, of course! He said he- he was always careful – very- and even if you got pregnant it can't-" with a stutter Martha spoke and Jerlina fisted her hands. 

"Then why are you here talking to me, liar!" Jerlina smiled. "I can see you're lying. Now get lost," she turned to leave. She didn't want to interact with that lying woman.

"You're showing your lowly birth by the words you use," Martha smirked. "You can try but you'll never become one of us. Remember that. You are a lowly orphan and-" 

"Yeah, yeah... and you're the greatest nonce Harold Feldstein's sister-in-law. I admit. You're better than me," Jerlina said in a sarcastic tone and scoffed seeing Martha's flustered face.  She was lost for words.

Jerlina was not feeling guilty. That woman has no right to talk about her birth.

At that time, Scarlett came back and Jerlina gestured that they can leave.