He Wanted Her

When Jerlina woke up, she felt the gentle breeze on her face. She was still sitting in the car, but they have already reached home.

Did he leave me be because I was asleep? He could have woken me up rather than leave me in the car...

She yawned and started to unbuckle her seatbelt, but paused hearing the slight murmur the wind carried. It seemed like Jeremy and Charlie were conversing about something serious. She decided not to eavesdrop, but when she heard her name, she decided to listen.

Her heart pounded as if she was breaking into the Louvre Museum since she is not used to eavesdropping. Jeremy and Charlie were at a distance talking and their voice was very dull. Jerlina couldn't even hear properly.

But then, the wind changed direction and she heard their voices a little better.

"...I was wrong to ask you to respect her as my wife. You saw how she acted before...that's her true self. That's who she is. Respect her for who she is..."