Wavering Resolution

I can see she is trying to make me believe she has something with Jeremy but is she realizing she is forcing a kiss on Jeremy? Jeremy – the leader of a gang, who can smash human skulls?

Jerlina gulped seeing Jeremy's jaws clenching with fury. Tara tried to pull him closer to her lips but she couldn't. Having failed, she tried to get closer to his lips but Jeremy held her wrists.

Oh, please don't snap her wrists, Jeremy! That's going to be a lawsuit!

"Joel!" Jerlina walked closer with her secretarial smile after quickly dishevelling her shirt collar. "Something is sticking on your..." she went and held his hand. "Ah... there, I got it," she pulled out a hair only visible to her eyes and blew it away into the invisible ether that fills the universe.

As she expected, Jeremy let go of Tara's hands and started to fix her collar. He's a lot like Earl. Nothing works better on him as distraction does.