Change of Place

"Scar..!" Jerlina looked at Scarlett.

"What is it?" Scarlett sat beside Jerlina. "I told you not to interact with Tara. What did she say? And what did that hothead yell? The whole office shook with his roar."

"He... it's not his fault... It's..." Jerlina sat hugging her knees.

"Look at you taking his side!" Scarlett smiled and patted her back. "So what bothers you?"

"Scar, what will happen if Emma reveals my past relationship with Gerard to everyone? Won't the townsfolk stone me to death?" Jerlina looked at Scarlett.

Scarlett could get what Jerlina means. Jeremy is a celebrity here and his personal life would be discussed by all. If they find out everything, there is a chance that they think that Jerlina somehow managed to worm her way into Jeremy's life with an agenda. And they won't take it well.