I Belong To You

Jerlina looked through her misty eyes. Everything looked blurry and she saw Jeremy and Dr. Kruger by her side with their eyes red with tears.

Ah, isn't this wonderful?

When Jerlina went to the doctor's office, the doctor was already wearing a dress and seemed to be contemplating whether she should attend the wedding or not. 

The moment Jerlina entered, she hugged her and started to tear up. "I'm so glad you're here, dear," she said and took a good look at her. "You're so pretty!"

Jerlina could see how much she loved Jeremy. She is the one who raised him after all. She would want to see him getting married too.

It was not hard to convince her to attend the reception. She was feeling a little hesitant to ride on the carriage with them, but Jerlina convinced her to get on.