Memories Frozen in The Photograph

"Yes," Scarlett nodded at Dr. Kruger as she carefully tried to carry the baby. But the baby started to cry and Daisy gestured that she'd keep the baby. 

"Jerlina decided to be happy for some reason, and now she probably forgot or doesn't care that this is a fake wedding. But this is good for Jeremy, right?" Scarlett spoke in a hushed tone and both the ladies nodded.

"As long as that boy is happy..."


Both the ladies were happy and Scarlett watched the dancing couple with a smile on her face.

Jeremy, you can steal her heart if you want. It is up to you...


Jerlina could still feel his hard member against her and the next song was about to end. She really didn't want to keep on dancing until he calms down. Her feet hurt.

Does he have an unsatiable beast down there?

She shivered.

"Are you cold," he rested his forehead in the nook of her neck and took in a whiff. And then it became harder.