Spending Wedding Night Together

Jerlina expected a teasing smirk or a mocking word or two from Jeremy. But he looked sombre. He didn't even talk with her when they were eating. 

Watching him eat, she felt sad. She didn't know what he was thinking, but after she mentioned Emma, he looked very distressed.

Is he still thinking about that?

After dinner, she offered to wash the dishes. He didn't refuse and went to his study. 

Jerlina, after finishing the dishes checked him out from a distance. 

His eyes were droopy and looked pitiful. With Duke sleeping by his feet, he looked forlorn.

"Do you want anything? A beer, maybe?" she asked, peeking in from the door after knocking. 

"Will you drink with me?" he looked at her pleadingly. 

Not wanting to do drink, she pressed her lips. If she goes all touchy-feely with him when she is sober, she couldn't imagine what she'd do when she is drunk. 

"I'll pass on the drinking. But I'll sit with you," she offered.