He Thanked Her

"I'll be at Scarlett's house. She'd be worried about me," Jerlina sneaked out of the car.

"Don't eat anything hard," he said curling a bunch of her hair with his fingers, surprising her. His gaze at her was very gentle, but the moment he turned, his eyes became fierce.

She is scared of that gaze and every fiber of her being told her to run away. He'd become a monster when it comes to Emma and she didn't want to get involved.

As she tried to walk to the fence she was blocked by the big police dog in front of her. 

"Odin!" Charlie whistled and called the dog.

The dog immediately left her and ran to Charlie. Jerlina's eyes met with Charlie's and contrary to the mocking smile she was expecting from him, he donned a serious expression.

And that made her think.

Oh, no! Emma is hurt and Jeremy won't be thinking straight!