Who Are We?

Jerlina pressed her lips and raised her eyebrows.

"Wife, huh?"

"Yes, of course," Jeremy said puffing his chest.

They are married. If she is not his wife, then who is she?

"Who agreed to be your wife?" she asked biting her lips. 

One of her brows was raised and that bunch of her hair hanging by her cheek made her look a thousand times more adorable.

"You didn't?" Jeremy raised his brows.

"No! When did I?" Jerlina raised her voice. The corners of her lips were lifted up and Jeremy couldn't help but pull her closer holding her waist. 

Leaning on the counter by the stove, he pressed her waist on his. Jerlina tried to step back, but he pulled her closer. "Then what did you agree on? Who are we?"

They've never defined their relationship properly till now. She used to hate him and now she doesn't. He has always loved her and now he has confessed to her. They are legally married.

So what is their relationship?