She Was Eying Him But Behind Her Was...

Jerlina was surprised to see the number of pickup trucks lined up in the road. Noticing Jeremy's car, they all gave way to him. She oddly felt proud, although she knew this respect is for Jeremy.

He's the King, alright?

She didn't think this many will volunteer for this when today is Black Friday and was impressed. 

Rather than shopping for Christmas, they preferred to help every kid have a Christmas tree in their home?

  "That's a lot of volunteers," Jerlina said.

"Yeah, every year the volunteers are increasing and the number of trees needed is decreasing," Jeremy said waving his hand to Charlie parking his truck.

"So more people are buying fake Christmas trees these days?" Jerlina said with a chuckle.

"Ha... That's a very genius observation, Chippy! "Jeremy turned to look at her with a teasing smile. 

"Chippy? Not you too, Brutus," she hit him in the arm.