Claws Of Death

Jerlina's heart pounded looking at the sharp eyes of Wyatt. The tiger was staring right at her and licked its lips.

Jerlina felt a shiver passing through her spine.

Fear of death...

She used to foolishly think for some time that death would end it all and death is a sweet release from worldly troubles. 

But now, facing the big threat in front of her, she realized that she wanted to live more than she thought she did.

She gulped seeing Wyatt taking a puff with an odd smirk looking at her. She was terrified.

But she stared right back at Wyatt. She remembered Jeremy's words that even Shaun's boss cannot hurt her. 

I am Joel's woman. I cannot show myself to be weak when he is near me!

She felt a big hand enveloping hers. That familiar big hand was rough and warm. 

Yeah, I am in the safest place on earth.

I am by Joel's side!

"Come to the point, Wyatt. Don't waste my time," Jeremy said placing her hand on his lap.