Feeling Guilty

Jeremy looked at Jerlina sitting by his side fiddling with her hands the whole time. She was silent and in deep contemplation. She seemed to be in pain. He didn't know if it is just mental pain or her body is hurt too.

"Jerlina," he tried to touch her hand, to ask her if she needs to see a doctor. 

He didn't know what happened there and how far that motherf*cker went with her. Judging by the distress she's in, he feared she is hurt.

If that's the case, then I'd make sure he will have no use for those dangling bits between his legs forever!

But the moment his hand came in contact with her skin, she flinched making him anguished.

"Ah..." Jerlina came out of her thoughts. "I'm sorry," she looked at him. "I was thinking..."

Jeremy stopped the car at the side of the road seeing her eyes water. 

"What is it?" he tried to hold her cheek but paused fearing he might frighten her.