Last Night was...

Rose paced to and fro in the hallways wondering what goes on in there.

She heard mumbles as she turned to leave from the Grandsire's presence and they started speaking in some language she didn't quite understand.

The Grandsire seemed to be in distress.

She blew in her cupped hands and wondered what might be going on in there. 

Suddenly, she heard a bunch of footsteps and she saw a group of doctors running inside the room.

Did he get sick? Am I screwed? Will I be killed?

Rose started to sweat out of fright. She leaned on the wall, hugging herself.

A lot of people went in and outside of the room. She tried to take a peek, but she was held back by the guards.

What can I do?

She tried to sneak out but she was watched like a hawk by the two guards.

Mikey... I am scared...

Rose wanted to hear Mikhail's voice before anything happens to her. She searched her purse while the two guards didn't mind her.