Safe At Last

Mikhail could sense Jerlina was in great distress and is sceptica about everything.

"Ms. Hopkins, Jeremy is my King. Take it as you please and I don't know if you know it or not, but my family and I are greatly indebted to him. I won't even wish harm on him," as he spoke, his hand naturally ended up on his chest as he spoke from his heart.

Jerlina who was stressed to the max could feel his sincerity. She figured he was talking about the kidnapping incident that Joel talked to her about. 

"Thank you, Mikhail...." Jerlina let out a sigh. 

"It's okay, Ms. Hopkins...I'll stay on the line if you wish," Mikhail asked. 

If she is driving, she needs to concentrate and stress won't let one concentrate. He just wished he could help her in any way he can.

Grandpa won't be able to handle it if something happens to Jeremy.

 "Okay then," Jerlina didn't refuse him.