Taking Care

Jeremy was awake for a while. He could hear the machines around him and he figured out that he is in a hospital. His memories returned almost immediately. Especially the car ride to the airport.

He was hurting like he was getting split into two at that time, but all he remembered now was her screaming at him, asking him to survive.

More than his pain, what he felt was her pain. 

But more than feeling sad, he felt relieved and relaxed. 

She loves me and...

That's what he thought at that moment, watching her driving the car, wiping her tears.

I can safely rely on her...

Maybe he was too relaxed, he fainted.

"Say what?" Jerlina bit her lips. 

But she couldn't help but bend and kiss his hand. The IV was connected to his other hand and one hand was free.

"Oh, your beard has become unkempt... Do you want a mirror to look at? Is that what you asked?" she asked with a playful smile.