Don't Want Anything

Gordon decided to voice out his opinion in a gentle way.

"Ms. Hopkins, you saw how much the grandsire loves you. You don't have to be this..." Gordon took in a deep breath to carefully choose his next word. "...cautious."

"Mr. Faraday..." Jerlina let out a short chuckle and then her eyes turned serious. "I, just yesterday, watched a grown man manhandling a baby. I watched the cops turning their backs at the violent gang members and suppressing common folks who tried to help me. I was standing in front of at least thirty automatic weapons yesterday. For some reason, those weapons didn't go off, otherwise..."

Jerlina could see Gordon bowing his head. She continued, " Your Grandsire wouldn't have talked with me today. I would have to be collected from the mortuary... Or I don't know even if that would have been allowed."

"Ms. Hopkins," Gordon was about to say something, but Jerlina raised her hand to stop him from speaking further.