Accepting Help And Shocking News

"Scar!" Emma opened her mouth wide then covered it with her hand pretending that she is shocked. "How can you say this? No matter what, it was Jerlina who suffered a lot that day. Everyone is saying so and..."

Scarlett wasn't even willing to listen to that.

Yes, she was a little angry at Jerlina and thought that she didn't do enough to protect Cia. But that doesn't mean she is going to blame Jerlina for what happened with Cia. 

Viper did that!

If she didn't provoke Viper by kicking him in the balls, he probably wouldn't have left with Cia. Even then, Viper's a psycho and he will do what he does with or without reason. And as Bobby's wife, she knew she is constantly in danger. 

Yes, she knew all that but is she not allowed to talk bad about her friend freely without getting the attention of this snake? 

Can't a girl get emotional around here and say stupid stuff anymore?