Exposed Lies

Jeremy scrolled through Mikhail's texts. He got what might have happened. 

There were five of Jerlina's pictures sent from Mikhail's phone followed by one picture of Rose sent from Gordon's number. 

'Rose just now is painting a canvas...' read the last message. 

"How would you like it if I stored your girlfriend's picture in my phone?" Jeremy asked gritting his teeth. 

He didn't know why he got that mad. Maybe because all of the pictures of Jerlina were so tastefully taken?

And he remembered how Jerlina blushed talking about Mikhail that day. It was the first time he saw her laugh so carelessly at him; with him...

Maybe that was it; jealousy.

He deleted all of Jerlina's pictures and his finger hovered over the "Delete" button for Rose's picture. 

"I am sorry," Mikhail said bowing his head. "I miss her so much... I couldn't bear it..."