Not Fine

"Scar, take good care of your husband who never asks you to break up with you, alright?" Jerlina said with a sigh while looking at Jeremy. He was pouting and looked pitiful.

"...I, on the other hand, will have to get back to my husband who hates me... He already thinks he does not need, me and I even..."

Slapped him...

Jerlina did feel guilty for slapping him. Her guilt overrode the anger she felt towards him. 

He is her husband who loves her deeply and without thinking twice she had slapped him.

She is not someone who raises her hands to hit someone but lately, she finds herself doing things she has never done before. 

He already has something against her and that's why he asked her to break up with him. Add to the fact that she slapped him, he's not going to forgive her.

I don't want to break up with him... I love him...