Want To Ride With Only You

"It'll be alright. Don't worry…" Jeremy patted Jerlina's head.

Jerlina's heart was beating in her throat.

Mikhail bought a new Bugatti car. Well, she saw it. It looked like a car… with its wheels and… Well, it was more like a designer car with its sleek design.

It looked beautiful… and angry.

And it is a very fast car. A very very fast car with a top speed of 270 miles/hr. 

How does she know? Because Mikhail cannot frigging stop taking about it. Who cares what kind of engine it has and what kind of other stuff makes the car run? She didn't. But Mikhail cannot shut up about it.

Oh, the holes there has a purpose? Why do I care? 

She wanted to shout at him to shut up. But she wanted to maintain her decorum and maintained her smile.

That guy is smart… He should know that she does not appreciate him talking about his car. But still, he didn't stop talking. It was more like he couldn't help but talk about that car.