She Cared For Him And Didn't Judge Him

Jerlina hugged him closer as he talked about the day Dave died. Jeremy was trembling and she didn't know if it was because he was angry or crying. 

Her hold on him tightened and with trembling voice, he told her about the gruesome details of Dave's death. It seemed like Dave was tortured by Viper and was thrown out to die on his own. Jeremy found him but by then it was already late. 

"I was in the brink of starting a war back then…" Jeremy told her and she took in a deep breath.

"But it would have caused a lot of destruction of property and loss of life. It was a good thing you decided against it,"  Jerlina said in a soothing tone. 

She could feel him clenching his jaws and understood how much it still angers him.

"Thanks to your help," Jeremy didn't forget to mention that. 

"But still, it was your decision," Jerlina didn't want to take credit for that.