For His Delicate Flower

Mark sighed as he remembered the past.

He knew… he knew he cannot suit that delicate flower who was just a year younger than him. People called her names just because she was different than them. 

Idiot, retard, and others…

No one found her beautiful; except him. And that was enough for her too.

And oh, only he knew how kind she is… And how much she loved him and how much he loved her. 

Mack… that's what she called him. She couldn't pronounce the 'r' in his name and he was always Mack for her. He loved her when she said that.

She had what they called Down's Syndrome. She was like a child at times and needed constant looking after. Others mocked her but she never left his side; probably because he never mocked her. 

And when her grandmother who was taking care of her died, he wanted to take her place. In fact, he wanted to look after her for life.