Married Life

"This looks… fine…" Jerlina chuckled seeing the house that was almost falling apart. The roof was on the brink of collapsing and with all the snow accumulating there due to the snowfall, it appeared dangerous. The paint around was peeling and she wasn't sure if it has molds inside. 

They were planning on staying in the motel in the nearby town but the only motel didn't have a vacancy. Jeremy told her that they can stay in the city for the night before getting to Jasperville, but Jerlina insisted that they can stay in her mother's home.

She was very proud that she was resourceful but now she regretted bringing him here. The sky is getting darker and they can't even leave to the city now. 

"I think the weather made it worse… I don't remember it being this…damaged when I came here seven months ago," Jerlina rubbed her forehead. 

Fog escaped her mouth and Jeremy hugged her around the shoulders to keep her warm.