The Magical Place (1)

When Jeremy looked at Jerlina, she was closing her eyes holding something to her chest. As he saw, a drop of tear rolling from her eyes. Before she could react, his hand reached for her cheeks and wiped her tears.

"Jeryl?" he called her. 

"Yes," sniffing, she opened her eyes and looked at him. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. 

He felt relieved after talking to his mother but his heart is not made for handling her tears.

"I am fine…" Jerlina wrapped her hand around his waist. "I think your mother accepted me, Joel," she said and her eyes clouded once more. 

"That's a given," Jeremy smiled and wiped her tears once more and kissed her cheek. 

Knowing that this is the reason for her tears, he was relieved.

Happy tears are good.

"What is that you are holding?" he asked standing up. 

He held out his hand. Jerlina held his hand and stood up.

"It's your mother's blessing," she showed him the pine cone.