His Plans For The Future

"Tell me why?" Jerlina pushed him back with a giggle. "What changed your mind?" She ran her thumb through his cheekbone and he closed his eyes and leaned on her shoulder.

Jeremy remembered the day of their wedding… That moment when he saw her walk to his front to talk to his mother… It was then he decided to pursue her. 

His lips curved to a smile.

"Was it because I  brought your mom to the reception?" she asked. She had a feeling that it touched him. "Or when I… Don't tell me, Joel… Were you never planning on letting me go?" she held his cheek and made him face her.

"You walked like a queen…" Jeremy breathed out and his lips curved to a smile as his eyes ended up meeting hers. "With your back straight, heels clicking, and veil fluttering…. Your dress and jewels were shimmering in the sun and your eyes – even more so with determination… I thought then, what stops me from making this amazing woman mine?"