Plans He Made

Jerlina had to prepare for the sting of International travels that had to be arranged for Jeremy. He did say there would be a lot of travel at the start of the year. She didn't think it would be stretched over Valentine's day too. 

She is his secretary and she has access to almost everything that he has access to. Not to mention, she is his wife and she pretty much knows every one of his plans unless he just keeps it in his mind. Only then it would stay a secret.

They had some travels in February and for some odd reason, there was a break in the travel plans for a week. And what's odder was that it fell around Valentine's day.

She knew it is one of the plans he has kept in his heart. But she started to do some "research" to see if she can find out anything. 

Well, she loves surprises, but curiosity got the best of her and with some research, she found out what his plans are.