Can He Take A Chance?

The next day, Gordon wanted to visit Jeremy's mother and Jerlina took him to the clinic. Gordon was visibly impressed seeing different kinds of people getting benefitted from there. 

With more employees hired, they planned on doing some renovations and expansion to add more departments like cardiology and neurology to help the vulnerable. And they are looking for places to start a rehabilitation center. The drug trade has been abolished and that leaves a lot of addicts who would be suffering and homeless. They needed rehabilitation and help to get their life together. They need a chance at life.

As Jerlina was showing around, they were told that the healthcare architect was there. Jerlina was the one supervising the expansion work and so she needed to meet the architect. 

Leaving Gordon in Dr. Kruger's office, Jerlina excused herself. Gordon smiled proudly seeing Jerlina's back. She looked very regal and it made him proud.