Trust Me

Jerlina wanted to slam the door shut in Jeremy's face but she held back considering this is not her house. Her uncle is thinking of her very highly and she won't break his trust by acting unruly in his house.

She tried to lock the door gently but before she could lock it, the door was pushed from the outside by her dear husband. She tried to close the door but as usual, she couldn't. She ran towards the bed and tried to get under the bed but he caught her because she tried to be careful getting down. Plus she wasn't driven by fear and she wasn't that keen on "escaping" him.

Jeremy caught her and hugged her from behind.

"Jeryl…" his shaking voice made a gust of air graze her earlobe and she closed her eyes.

His warmth spreading on her back, his warm breath, and his scent all made her mesmerized. She already started to miss him. 

"Don't show your back to me, my Luna," he nudged his nose behind her ear and took a sniff. "It breaks my heart."