Incident Near The Pub (2)

"Jeryl?" Jeremy placed the gun back in his belt and walked towards her. Placing his hand on her shoulder he observed the guys with her.

"I told you not to-"

"I wanted to watch the moon here," Jerlina interjected Jeremy who was glaring at those men. She was not very pleased that he is not looking at her and is concentrating on those guys.

Jeremy was a little angry at her wandering around with the men arranged by Jonathan Erling even after he asked her to stay in Patrick's house today. But hearing what she said, he forgot everything else and looked at her.

"The moon?" his voice got soft as a feather.

With a pout, Jerlina bowed her head. "I saw the moon and I missed you. You told me not to meet you and-"

Before she finished her sentence, she was pulled into a hug. She wrapped her hand around his waist and took in his scent. She heard the men retreating and her lips curved to a smile sensing him kissing her head.