Her Perspective

He walked behind her after locking the door. The shepsky dogs are let out and he asked for some of his men to guard his home for the night. He might have dissolved the gang but that doesn't mean his men won't listen to him anymore.

They'll come for him if he asks for help.

After settling everything, he walked to their bedroom. She was not in the bedroom and so he walked to the bathroom where the sound of flowing water was heard. The tub sounded full and he walked in a hurry.

Jerlina was standing by the bath staring at the faucet. The tub was filled to the brim and she still hasn't turned it off. 

Jeremy walked closer to her and his sleeves grazed on her arm. She still didn't even flinch. Jeremy closed the faucet and turned to look at her. And then he drained some water so that it would be perfect for the bath. He checked the temperature and it was not hot.

"You don't want it to be hot?" he asked.