Sweet Wait

Of course, Bobby didn't speak without a lawyer and his statement was straightforward. 

His wife was gone leaving an uncharacteristic letter- he got suspicious- he found her car at the airport - suddenly the GPS device he had given his wife in case of emergency blinked - he went there after calling the cops- Harold ran at him with a knife - he shot him twice - Harold fell and he got his wife - the cops came.

No matter what the cops asked, Bobby kept on repeating this again and again to solidify his narrative. They let him go as it was clear that this is a case of self-defense.

He got out and reporters were standing there trying to question him but he didn't mind them and left with the lawyer. The lawyer was assuring him that the cops have found a video camera and he is trying to push for the feds to take over the case since it is connected with Emma's suicide.