[Bonus chapter]Change In Tides

"You'll see…" Jeremy kissed her brow as he didn't like the frown line between her eyes. "Everything is going to change, today!"

  "Today?" Jerlina was intrigued. 

She learned that the people adored the Volkonsky family name because they were a prominent Noble family. They were expecting the heir to the throne to appear. 

But how is the trouble going to end?

And as Jeremy said, at the end of the day, there was more news from Bonivia that there was an uprising and the military organized a coup against the Dictator and he was replaced by the General of the Military temporarily. 

"Mikhail! Are you safe?" Jerlina called him and asked. She didn't know but a coup seems like a dangerous thing. 

"I am! The one in power now, Milomir Pavlovich… is my grandpa's cousin. This coup was well-planned. So don't worry. And be prepared. Your husband's identity will be revealed soon," he said and Jerlina ended the call.