Incredible Manufacturer..?

The day for the ultrasound appointment came and Jeremy urged Jerlina to eat before they leave for the clinic. Jerlina couldn't don even a single bite as she was so stressed.

"What if there is something wrong with the baby, Joel? What if-"

"Idiot!" Jeremy kissed her forehead. "There is nothing wrong with our baby. Think only positive things! We are going to meet our daughter today!" he rubbed her forehead. 

She was rolling around on the bed last night and didn't sleep well either. He tried to calm her down but nothing is working.

Yeah… she lost her baby around this time the previous time… It is understandable.

"Okay…But it could be a-" Jerlina rubbed her forehead with a smile.

"Don't say boy! I am going to have a daughter…" he rubbed her belly softy and Jerlina rolled her eyes.

Well… for him to be so sure… he could be right!