Mikhail - Rose Wedding

A month passed and Mikhail and Rose's wedding was conducted in the ancestral home of the Erling family. Since it was the tradition in both families to conduct the wedding ceremony in the bride's hometown, the elders decided on it.

This was the first time Jerlina was watching an arranged marriage unfold. Although it was Mikhail and Rose who chose their partners, the families treated it as an arranged marriage. And they were very proud to announce everywhere that they fixed the marriage between those two.

Jerlina being "Mikahil's sword", accompanied Alexander whenever Mikhail or Rose needed something to be done. She would act as the ambassador for the couple on their behalf. And Jerlina was privy to see how those old people were worse than elementary school kids who doesn't know the meaning of compromise.

But she was pregnant and every time she went silent rubbing her belly,  the old men would relent so as not to stress her and gave her what she wanted.