[Bonus chapter]It's Time...

Jerlina realized an important thing. She might have to go through a tough ordeal to deliver this child. Her life might be on the line here and surely, she is the one who has to face unbearable pain. 

But, he too has a tough responsibility. 

If everything goes smoothly, she will have to recover physically and they get a baby out of it. But if not…

If something goes wrong and when the doctor asks him to sign on paper to save one or the other…

Her heart sank. That is a terrible situation that she would have no part of. 

He loves his baby, and he loves her. Who will he choose? She, the mother, can easily decide to choose the baby. But what of him? If the situation is reversed and if she is asked whether she wants to save her baby or her husband, who will she choose?

What right answer is there? And can he be blamed if he wants to save me?