
After several screams from Hwa bon, the driver flared up, "excuse me madam except you want us to have a terrific accident I will suggest that you keep calm and let me do my job"

"Do your job?" she asked

"My daughter is in the hospital and she has either been put to bed or is about to and there is nobody there for her and you asked me to calm down? we're talking about my first grandchild here if you do not mind so I would like you to hit the gear and let's get to the hospital she screamed at the driver who resigned from arguing or exchanging words with her.

Two mins later they got to the hospital and he was just so glad that she was at her destination, he had never met any passenger that was as troublesome as she was it wasn't because she was a bad passenger it was only because she wasn't used to being in public transportation and was used to having drivers that she could order around.